Digitals of an Undergraduate

Chloe, 19 from Hertfordshire, UK. First year Digital Media Design student at Bournemouth University

Photo task #3 – Research

1 Comment

My third photo task is to:

1. Generate a 12 frame hand-drawn sequence using a Praxinoscope and digitize it to create either an animated gif or a video sequence in Adobe Premiere. The theme ‘CYCLE’ continues by default since the praxiniscope is cyclic by nature.

2. Create a short experimental sequence using a still camera, smartphone, or video camera which
explores the technique of ‘stop-motion’ animation. Using the theme ‘CYCLE’ as a theme to develop your ideas

My Research
Animation is usually assumed it is just for children because they connect it with Disney’s historical animations. However there are many early examples such as ‘Betty Boop’ which was an animation aimed at an adult audience.

Betty Boop

Betty Boop

(via this website)

Animation can occur on children’s TV, in advertising and feature films. Animation also occurs in many hybrid situations combined with live action. The film Who Framed Roger Rabbit showcased a three dimensional shading technique which added to the illusion of realism. Realism using computer animation and graphics has been a feature of many more recent films such as Avatar. Animation also uses an element of craft. South Park is made purely out of cut out pieces of felt, as you can see from this picture below. (found here)

South Park

South Park

A lot of animators today still use traditional techniques, and drawing will always remain as an important skill in the world of animation.

Author: Chloe Rose Hutchings

Chloe, 20 from Hertfordshire BA (Hons) Digital Media Design student studying at Bournemouth University.

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